Flood SOS
Water Damage Repair in NYC & NJ

Water damage can be a result of many things - heavy rain, a leaky roof, an overflowing toilet ? but the effects are always unpleasant. Your floors will be soaked, your possessions damaged and your health put at risk, because the water in your home may have become contaminated. Flooding is always unpleasant and clean-up usually complicated ? which is why you should call Flood SOS to deal with the problem!

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Fire Damage Repair in NYC & NJ

Fires are often very dangerous and can do serious damage both to the structure of your home and your personal possessions. If you have been the victim of a fire you will probably be very scared and upset, which is why calling a professional is the best course of action. Here at Flood SOS, we are specialists in post-fire restoration, with state-of-the art machinery that will quickly remove soot and carbon from your home.

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Free Estimate & Consultation

We offer you a free estimate no obligation appointment, with one of our friendly expert technicians. We will assess the damage and the means for repair at an affordable price.


24/7 Immediate Response Guarantee

We provide 24/7 water damage care in your area with great service & results!


Immediate Helpful Steps

Here you will find a helpful do?s and don?ts steps guide, so you can avoid making things worse, and even improve the your situation. Call a professional and read it.


Mold and Mildew Removal in NYC & NJ

Mold and mildew are tiny spores, which spread quickly and easily. We can come into contact with it by touching, eating and breathing it. It grows fastest in warm, damp conditions (in bathrooms, roofs, and on wet clothes) and once it multiplies it can become a health hazard, causing wheezing, a runny nose and all kinds of nasty allergens. Here at Flood SOS, we are experienced in dealing with this problem quickly and efficiently.

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Sewage Back-Up in NYC & NJ

Sewage back-up is one of the most unpleasant and stressful things you can experience. When sewage leaks out of a pipe, your home will quickly become filthy and smell terrible. Sewage damage can also be a serious health hazard, causing stomach upsets, skin infections and asthma to name a few. That's why calling professionals is always the best course of action, and here at Flood SOS we are experienced in cleaning up your home quickly and efficiently.

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